Tuesday 27 March 2012

Creating your winter wishlist!

I know some of us truly dread doing new-season shopping (myself excluded of course!), as it entails aimlessly wandering the brightly-lit halls of an overcrowded shopping centre, wishing you could spend your only day outside the office somewhere sunny and void of irritating salespeople and overly zealous promoters.

In light of this I’ve decided to help you set up your very own winter wishlist, the magical tool that will enable you to shop with efficiency unknown to all those other helpless shopping-centre drones.

My first tip is that your wishlist should not be something that’s compiled in one go, always keep it with you and constantly update it whenever you see an item you like in a magazine, on a blog or in the street. Rather than simply writing, ‘white shirt’, elaborate with descriptive words, draw a little picture or tear pictures from magazines and add them to your list. This will ensure that when you do happen upon an item on your list in the shops you’ll immediately recognize it! Try to keep the list where you can see it daily, this will ensure that you internalise the items on the list making it easier to spot the items when your brain is bombarded by the sense-overloading experience that is a shopping centre.

Another great way to keep your ideas contained is by creating a pinterest board dedicated to your list. View mine here.

If you want me to share your winter wishlist on the blog please email it to me at: prettylittlepigeons@gmail.com

Happy Shopping!

Thursday 22 March 2012

Pringle Autumn/Winter 2012

In the newest issue of Elle South Africa (April issue) you'll find a brochure featuring the new Pringle Autumn/Winter 2012 collection...and I must say I'm utterly smitten. The tailoring, fabrics, textures and deep jewel-toned colours make for a lust-worthy collection. Here's some of the pics featured on the brochure, you can also read more about the collection on the elle website!

 All images from elle.co.za

Thursday 15 March 2012

Borrowed Beads

So who doesn't love chunky jewelery? In fact to be absolutely truthful I'm in love with ALL jewelery. Today I dusted of the old beaded necklace (used to belong to my sister!) and paired it with a casual striped tee. Can't wait to wear chunky necklaces with collared shirts once winter comes! Yes, I'm already planning my winter wardrobe...follow my winter wardrobe board on pinterest and you'll see my wardrobe unfold as I get inspired.

Till next time!

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Pastel Inspiration

First, let me apologise for being completely off the radar the past week or so... I've been writing tests like crazy! I've made some time between all the studying to create an inspiration board (inspiration boards are apparently all the rage right now so naturally I hopped onto the bandwagon!) on what's truly inspiring me in this awkward time between the last days of summer and the coming winter...which is all things pastel! Call me crazy, but I intend to take pastel colours with me into the wintery season! Also, I can't wait to paint my nails rainbow coloured pastel!

One more thing before I return to the books, if want top read all about the LEGiT VDT launch party on this blog PLEASE go vote for me so I can become part of the LEGiT VDT hot squad!  

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Found my maxi skirt love...

If you've been following this blog for some time you'll know that I've been searching for the perfect maxi skirt...and it seems I've finally found it! At none other than Mr Price for only R79.99! How's that for a bargain first love?? I intend to wear my skirt non-stop till winter comes...isn't she beautiful?

Monday 5 March 2012

LEGiT VDT Hot Squad

LEGiT is recruiting a VDT Hot Squad – five ambassadors from their Facebook fans who will be present at all of the VDT events (VDT being Van Der Tlale for LEGiT, the exclusive designer range LEGiT will be launching soon). These are the details:

WIN exclusive membership to the LEGiT VDT Hot Squad, which includes: 
1. An exclusive limited-edition LEGiT outfit created by one of SA's finest designers.
2. An exclusive invitation to the VDT launch party in May 2012.
3. A flight to Johannesburg and one night's accommodation at a venue of our choosing.
How to enter
1. Create a styling outfit with a LEGiT item.
2. Get a friend to take a full length pic of you.
3. Complete the online entry form and submit your picture online.
4. On 9 March 2012, the LEGiT judges will select the Top 50 entries to go through to the voting stage which starts on 12 March 2012. Get your friends to vote for you so you can make it to the Top 20.
5. The judges will select the five winners from the Top 20 most popular girls.

To enter, go to the LEGiT Facebook page and submit an entry on the VDT Hot squad page.

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