Tuesday 29 November 2011

Madly in love...with the women of Mad Men!

Not since sneaking episodes of Sex and the City when I was a teenager have I been this fashionably inspired by a television series. I must admit I’m a Mad Men newbie, having only recently started watching the first season. Yet here I am devoting an entire post to the glamorous 60’s fashion of the iconic, award winning television series, Mad Men.

From the painstakingly perfect Betty, with her neutral colour palette that suit her cool contained character perfectly, to the vivacious hour-glass figure dressed in jewel tones that is the spectacular red-head Joan, every female character of Mad Men is the definition of fashionably fabulous.

I’m intrigued by the notion of dressing up to do grocery shopping, curling your hair to welcome home your husband with a home-cooked meal and never failing to perfectly match your nail polish to your lipstick. Why don’t we live in that world anymore? I’d like to dress up to go grocery shopping...wouldn’t you?

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