Thursday 24 November 2011

In the mood for a stroll in the sunset?

Shoes have personalities, just like human beings. Some shoes fit better with certain kinds of people...they have moods, just like you and me. When I’m in a playful and fun mood I certainly won’t feel like putting on a pair of running shoes....No, I’ll slip on my dancing shoes or a sexy pair of heels!
When I look at a pair of wedges I’m reminded of hot sweltering summer evenings sipping cocktails next to a pool, watching as the sun sets over the ocean. So in the spirit of this holiday mood I bought this fun pair of wedges at Mr Price for only R119.95! Of course I couldn’t wait to share them with you so naturally when this beautiful sunset presented itself as a photo opportunity I immediately got out my camera and snapped some pics! Check out how lovely the wedges look next to these sunset photos! So now do you believe me? Shoes definitely have personalities!

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to buy those but they didn't have my size! :(
    Size 3's are so hard to find!


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