Thursday 10 November 2011

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Today I face the world with a strange mix of trepidation and excitement, I’m in the middle of my third year exams and in no time I’ll be a final year student, on the doorstep of the scary, yet strangely exciting so-called ‘grown-up’ world. Every exam I write brings me closer to that new reality...Should I be excited? Or scared?
In order to counteract my mixed feelings I took to my closet and fished out this upbeat sea-shell print shirt, (previously worn here), and decided to fight trepidation with funky prints and fuel excitement with pretty jewellery. I wear this shirt with a skinny waist-belt from Mr Price. I also pair it with the key necklace I made in a previous post, here, and a handmade navy blue necklace I bought at a market!

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